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Business Hours:
Mon - Sun
7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Benefits of Crimsafe® Hinged Doors

The main entry point to many homes is large, hinged doors that look solid to most people.
But to a burglar, they can look like an easy way in.
An ordinary security screen door won’t stop a professional burglar. That’s why we’ve designed Crimsafe® Hinged Security Screen Doors with a range of unique features to provide the level of protection that will.
With secure hinges on one door jamb and a secure three-point locking mechanism on the other,
Crimsafe® creates an exceptionally strong barrier to keep unwanted guests out.
Choose a Frame Color to Match your Style



What People Say About Crimsafe®
Great Product!
"Seems very strong and lives up to expectations. Very happy!"
Every Window or Door Should Have Crimsafe®
"This is high quality product with longevity and safety addition. I can leave my house and have windows open and feel comfortable that no one would get in (at least not easily and not without a lot of noise!)"
Loving New Screen Door
"Screen door looks and is amazing. Since having the door installed I feel safer and secure knowing I have such a high quality product that would be extremely difficult to get into my property."
Keep your family safe inside.
Keep unwanted visitors outside.

Find the Right Crimsafe® Product for You with
HoloHolo Screens in Oahu, Hawaii
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