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Why Pet-Resistant Screen Matters
Many people consider their pets to be four-legged members of the family -- and much like any two-legged member of your family, you want to keep them safe. Phifer® pet screening products offer protection from most insects as well as standing up to most household pets.
Phifer® pet-resistant screening is suitable for doors and windows as well as larger areas such as porch enclosures, making it ideal for pet owners who want to give their four-legged friends some fresh air on the porch, without leaving them outside at their Oahu Home.
Over time, the cost of having to replace inferior screening due to damage from pets or other animals can add up. As an added benefit, screening keeps most insects out and minimizes exposure to fleas and ticks that can cause health problems for your pets.
By investing in sturdy, durable Phifer PetScreen®, you and your pet can enjoy nature, without nature making its way indoors to your home.

What Makes Phifer® Screening Strong Enough for Pets?

Phifer® Petscreen® products are made from strong, vinyl-coated polyester.
Looking for a puncture-resistant patio screen that can withstand any sharp objects or needing a door or window screen that is tear resistant, then Phifer® Petscreen® is your best option. Phifer® screening was produced for the main reason to protect your family pets and members.
Phifer® Petscreen® sturdy construction and quality of materials lessens the tears cause by pets either from chewing on the screen or raking claws and nails against it.
Choosing Phifer® Pet-Resistant Screening Products